Friday 4 November 2011

Nutritional value of foods

Nutrition can be defined as the sum total Processes that are involved in making sure the body gets the right quantity- food with the right value of nutrients and at the right time.

Cereals commonly grown in Africa include maize, rice, sorghum maize and millet. These provide about 60 % calories for the people in the continent.
Apart from the above mentioned nutrients in cereals, minerals, vitamins (Thiamine, riboflavin), calcium and iron are also found in this food type and especially if the whole grain is consumed. The outer layer of the grain mostly contains the vitamins and minerals and tends to be destroyed when milled and sieved. Although there is protein content in the cereals; it is very minimal in value but can always be supplemented with other consumable proteins.

Millet and sorghum
These food types are drought resistance. Unlike maize and rice these contain much higher and better protein content. They are also rich in calcium and iron. They include;
  •     Foxtail millet
  •     Bulrush millet
  •     Sorghum
  •     Finger millet
These are widely available and planted in many areas even though some tend to do well in different climatic conditions. Legumes have higher and much richer protein content compared to cereals. Legumes have vitamins B (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Mitotic acid). They are also richer in iron and calcium than most of the cereals. In case the animal protein is inadequate, they can mainly be used to complement the carbohydrate diet of the cereals and roots.
When eaten green, these food types can provide vitamins A and C.
There are different types of legumes grown, they include;
  • Green grams
  • Beans
  • Groundnuts
  • Cowpeas
  • Pigeon peas
  • Soya beans
They are as listed;
  • Arrow Roots
  • Yams
  • Cassavas
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Irish Potatoes
These food types are easily grown. If taken care of well they yield highly. They are high in starch and thus give lot of energy to the consumers.
They have very low quantities of proteins. Sweet potato, yams, and arrow roots contain vitamins C & A and even minerals in lesser quantities. Potatoes on the other hand have vitamin B and vitamin C which reduces with period of storage.  

These are known for providing the highest levels of roughage in the diet. They also give high quantities of minerals and vitamins.
Facts about fruits and vegetables 
  • Generally the quality of the proteins contained in these food types is high though it is normally not abundant.
  • The Vitamin C in pumpkins, carrots and pawpaw provides carotene
  • Carotene from dark leafy vegetables is easily absorbed and used in the bodies well unlike in the other food types.
  • Most vegetable leaves are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin A, B, and C.
  • Tomatoes which can be eaten as a fruit or vegetable contain vitamin A and C
  • Avocado has good fat for the body (10-20%). It also contains low quantities of Carotene.
We are what we eat and is digested.

Let us give our body what it needs and not what it wants!


Franco said...

i got no problem with being healthy but am of the opinion that in our desperate attempt to get a hold on life,feeding has become too technical at the expense of simple pleasures.

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