Sunday 8 January 2012

Skin Rejuvenators

To spare yourself from spending too much money on your skin, invest on some high quality foods and fruits and see how your skin responds. These food types can be eaten or applied directly on the skin as masks or scrubs. What we eat many a times affect the way our skin age more than what the creams and other skin care products would. It is therefore important to watch what we eat. For a younger, supple and soft skin the following foods could be helpful.
(a) Blueberries
As their skin suggest, these dark skinned fruits are rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins.  While antioxidants help in eliminating the free radicals that cause wrinkles and age your skin, the anthocyanins help in boosting the collagen level in the body thus keeping our skin tight and prevent it from sagging.

(b) Avocados
Avocado is widely known for its use in rejuvenating skin and hair. This is because of its helpful fat that boosts collagen that helps in making the skin younger and softer. It can be used to make homemade scrubs and masks for the skin.
(c) Citrus Fruits
The fruits of the citrus family include oranges, lemons, mandarins and grapefruits. All these are known for their vitamin C which is not only good for the body but also is responsible for producing anti-aging components that keeps the skin younger. When used directly on the skin; oranges and lemons help in drying off stubborn pimples and skin rushes.
(d) Watermelon
This succulent fruit contains both Vitamin C and A which are essential for healthy and radiant skin. The seeds are also important when eaten because they contain selenium, vitamin E, zinc and essential fats which are great for preventing against the free radical damage leading to premature aging. The best way to have the benefit of the two is to blend them together for a healthy, delicious drink.

(e) Nuts and seeds
These should be consumed daily to prevent premature aging because they contain selenium and vitamin E. They also contain collagen which prevents skin sagging and wrinkling.
(f) Brocoli
Brocoli comes from the cruciferous family and is widely known for its health benefits as well as rejuvenation of skin. Together with other members of this family of vegetables i.e. cabbage, Brussels and radishes are better when steamed as the vitamins are retained.  

(g) Liver
In addition to providing iron for the body, liver has vitamin A which is important for production of Keratin. Keratin is a component for protecting the skin while iron is vital for the circulation of blood all over the body thus transporting the essential products to reach the skin as well as eliminate waste products.
(h) Soya milk
Soya milk is a good source of vitamin E and lecithin which are essential ingredients to fighting against premature aging.
(i) Oil fish
Oil from fish is essential as it contains fatty acids that help keep skin youthful and healthy.  That is why older people take oily- fish supplements for a healthier and younger skin.
(j) Brown rice and wholemeal cereals
Eating high fibre foods is good for your health as the fibre help in food digestion, increase energy as well as keep the skin glowing. These include; brown rice, oats, whole grain bread and other cereals.

Photos courtesy of 



Very incisive and educative!! I appreciate but i dnt know some of them....

Maureen Murori said...

@cornelius seroney I have added some photos for you to have a view of some of the items that were discusses earlier on.
I hope these help... if you get other photos, you can always share them with me...

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