Wednesday 18 April 2012

Arrowroot meat stew


  • ½ kg meat
  • 3 medium carrots
  • 3 medium size tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons cooking fat
  • 2 medium size red onions
  • Salt to taste
  • 6 cups warm water


  • Heat the oil in saucepan
  • Add onions cook until golden brown
  • Add meat and cook until tender, add salt 
  • Add tomatoes (skin covered)
  • Add carrots and other food additives
  • Cook until carrots are half way cooked
  • Add arrowroots, mix well, then add water
  • Cook until the arrowroots are cooked but not broken 
  • Serve hot with ugali, rice or 
  • it can be served on its own with some vegetables

Arrowroot & meat stew

Boiled arrow roots without peeling
5 medium size arrow roots
For Stew
½ kg Meat
3 medium size tomatoes
Cooking oil
2 red/spring onions
Salt to taste

Wash the arrow roots (without peeling) and place them in a cooking pot
(When peeled the arrow roots tend to be soggy because water gets into them)
Peeled arrow roots
Add water in the pot to cover the arrowroots
Bring them to boil until cooked (soft) but not broken

Heat cooking oil in saucepan
Add onions cook until golden brown
Add meat and cook until tender, add salt
Add tomatoes (skin covered)
Add other food additives to your taste
Add a cup of water for and bring it to boil
Cook for about 45 mins
When ready peel the arrow roots and cut them into pieces as desired
Serve when hot

Arrow root and meat stew